Friday, June 3, 2011

Etsy Friday Five - 6/3

I love Etsy for a lot of reasons; but by and large , my favorite thing is discovering new (to me) artists. Painters, Illustrators, Photographers – Etsy is a seemingly never-ending treasure trove of innovative talent. My walls (and my wallet) can testify that I can always find a new print, a new canvas to purchase.

This week, I found a few more artists for my must-have list.

Susana Parada of Parada Creations has a store full of whimsically delightful prints.  I really like how she treats the feel-good sayings so often featured in her work.  Her font choices are fresh and unique and really make the prints pop.  She has a lot of variety in her store, so I am sure you will find something you love.
Life is a beautiful ride by Parada Creations  - $19

I just adore J.C. Spock’s take on mixed-media. Her pieces are feminine and heartfelt without being schmaltzy. They are beautifully layered and complicated, much like we all are. Her work crosses over easily into note cards, journals and postcards – all available in the store.
Hopeful Girl by JC Spock  - $17.50

There is something provocative and tantalizing in the woman’s eyes in this piece by Claire Mojher.  Like she is just daring you to be shocked by her.  I love it.  All of  Mojher’s work has this same sense of story and drama.   Her pieces leave you wondering about the subject's back story.  So intriguing. 
Eliminating Rivals by Clair Mojher  - $20

Elle Moss is going to get me in trouble with my husband.  I have already bookmarked several of her pieces and forwarded to him as future purchases.  This particular piece really caught my eye.  I love the fluidity and the almost surreal serenity of it.  It is no wonder her work is used often by fashion magazines – it is so beautiful composed and her lighting is wonderful.  She has fast become one of my favorite photographers.
Dive by Elle Moss - $15

You may have seen the work of Maia Chavez Larkin in a gallery or your favorite magazine before. She is a well-known children’s fashion illustrator and her work has been published all over the globe. Her work is still intimate and personal, though and I was totally drawn in by this piece. All of her work has an incredible level of detail and craftsmanship that really denotes Chavez Larkin as a master of her field.

Anouk on a Cold Day by The Voyagers  - $25

All images courtesy of their respective owners


  1. Elle Moss does have some really great photos! Love your choices!


  2. O wow, I love that picture by Claire. Thanks for introducing me to her stuff!

  3. Love your selections. thank you so much!

  4. Wow, humbled to be included with such amazing artists. Thank you!! ♥ j.c.spock

  5. Lovely collection. Thank you so much! - Maia

  6. That Elle Moss 'Dive' piece is incredible. So ethereal. All the selections you posted are gorgeous!


  7. these are all very lovely! i think my favorites are the first & the last illustration. these make me want to take up painting!


  8. It seems like Etsy is an ever expanding universe isn't it? It's absolutely stunning how many unique and great artists and crafters you can find there! it's never ending!!
    I like especially Parada Creations, such an happy shop!

    Have a great weekend Lulu!! x

  9. Beautiful choices... These are great prints. I'm having fun browsing your pretty blog.

    Your newest reader and fellow blogger,
    ...Come by and say hello if you'd like:]


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. You have made my day - Lulu.

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